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Instagram #leffrinckoucke


A destination for all

The Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque has put his efforts to make most of the buildings and services accessible. Dunkirk has a range of services available for those in need of extra support during their time in the city. The area is eligible for the “Dstination pour tous” national label.




Where to get info ?

Our tourist offices received the Tourisme & Handicap label. We are at you service in our 8 desks for any request to plan your trip or during your stay.


Locate our desks


You can find information on our website about accessibility by clicking to see the description of our partners, hotels, restaurants, museums, activities…

Free bus

You can step on any city bus any time without paying since 2018, when Dunkirk became the biggest european city area to make its city buses free for everyone.
Many buses have a ramp for wheelchairs

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