Phare  à Petit Fort PhilippePhare à Petit Fort Philippe
©Phare à Petit Fort Philippe|© Nolwenn Leurquin
Maritime history

Maritime history

From a small fishermen’s village to being the third port of France, from fortified towns to seaside resorts, discover how the sea has always been part of the identity of Dunkirk.

Maritime and harbour Museum

Dive into the heart of the harbour world

Much more than a few models and paintings on a wall: come discover 1 museum, 3 ships and 1 lighthouse, hosting 7 different exhibits.

Embark on a journey to discover the history of the harbour of Dunkirk, from the 17th century to the present day. A visit to the Risban lighthouse will complete your exploration with an unforgettable 360° view of the North Sea and maritime Flanders.

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Espace Tourville

Construction site of the Jean Bart

Situated in the port of Gravelines, halfway between Dunkirk and Calais, at the foot of Vauban’s fortifications, the craft village of Espace Tourville invites you to discover the construction site of the Jean Bart.

This maritime cathedral, emblematic of Louis XIV’s great navy, armed with 84 cannons, is being constructed thanks to the knowledge of the marine carpenters and blacksmiths, who are working in front of you.

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The walled town of Gravelines

On the tracks of Vauban

The history of our territory is marked by the typical architecture of marquis de Vauban, who is generally considered the greatest engineer of his time.

Gravelines is surrounded by a perfect star-shaped fortification. Walk along the remparts, vaults and bastions, and enjoy the natural environment.

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